Sex., Jul.

A week before the anniversary of our Blessed Founder’s birth in heaven, his young children gathered in the beautiful community of the Figlie di San Paolo by the sea in Tor San Lorenzo and celebrated the joy of belonging to one big family. Accompanied by their respective formators, the juniors of the Figlie di San Paolo (FSP), Pie Discepoli (PD) and Società San Paolo (SSP) came together to spend a day of camaraderie in prayer and discernment wrapped in songs of hope and joy.

These groups of juniors are all preparing for their perpetual profession and have come as one family to celebrate the gift of the Pauline Family which is indeed a profound gift received from our Blessed Founder Blessed James Alberione.

The day began with a prayer, highlighted with singing of the Secret of Success and the symbolic offering of candles around the Word of God. The Juniors were then divided into groups and were tasked to reflect on their aspirations for the Pauline Family at present and for the future. After an hour of sharing and a bountiful merenda, the group went to the chapel for the Eucharistic Celebration which was followed by a sumptuous lunch. In the afternoon, the groups presented various creative symbols representing their desires and aspirations for the Pauline Family in the future. The day concluded with our young juniors praying as one family the vespers before Jesus our Divine Master. 

It was indeed an invigorating day filled with deep faith, profound hope and abundant love.

Onde estamos