Mer, Lug


img Goonan

Personal Delegate
Nomina: 1 novembre 2019
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Comunità e Attività




Fr Nestor Candado, Regional Superior who has just been appointed for the second term, opened up the two-day Regional Assembly by officially welcoming the Superior General and the General Councillor on behalf of all the nine members of the Region present.

In his opening address to the Assembly, Fr. Silvio reminded all the members of the Region present that he and Br Walter are representing the General Government all the other seventeen Circumscriptions of the Pauline world. ‘This Assembly,’ the General said, ‘is not just for the Australian Region but indeed for all of the Paulines present in the world and as such anything that happens here is both for the Paulines in Australia and in the world.’ After the address of the Superior General, all the other reports were presented and the Guideline Letter of the Superior General was then reflected upon and discussed in an open, frank and serious manner.

The first day of the Assembly ended with the Assembly dinner.  The occasion also provided the opportunity to celebrate and give thanks for the 40th Anniversary of Religious Profession of Br Noel Bagnall who made his first profession on 25 January 1970 in Sydney Australia.

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