Mer, Juil


img Goonan

Personal Delegate
Nomina: 1 novembre 2019
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Comunità e Attività






[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

[sigplus] Erreur critique: Le répertoire des images devrait être un chemin relatif par rapport au répertoire de base.

On 3 February, the members of the Region with the Superior General and the Vicar General welcomed to the community Bishop Anthony Fisher OP, DD bishop of Parramatta Diocese for a simple lunch. The Bishop is full of praise for the congregation as we are about to open a bookshop in his diocese soon. It means that we will be an addition to the growing numbers of religious communities in his diocese. The bishop’s visit was also an occasion to launch the gift edition of the New Community Bible.

And 4 February, the members and Sr Megan Brock RSJ, the Moderator gathered in the community chapel for the celebration of the Eucharist where the New Regional Superior Fr Ruben Areño presided. During his homily he reminded everyone as being called by the Spirit and sent to do mission. And before the final blessing the new Regional Superior officially opened the Regional Assembly 2013.


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