Mer, Juil


“The Pauline Family: a ‘Letter’ of St. Paul to People Today”(cf. 2 Co. 3:2-4)


20 August 2011-2012 – The PF: A Story To Contemplate
“Do not be afraid. I am with you.”

Narrative and historical reflection on the surroundings and contexts in which the Pauline char-ism and the person of the Founder matured

Reference text: Abundantes divitiae gratiae suae (AD) (cf. Unione Cooperatori Buona Stampa [UCBS] and the prayer, The Pact)

Study aids for formation and deeper reflectionItineraries that favor the understanding of our story, taking advantage of several significant dates: 20 August, 26 November, 4 April.

Themes to develop

  • 20 August 2011: the years of preparation (AD 1-6, 7-26, 215-224; UCBS…)
  • 26 November 2011: the “night of light”; renewal of the original thrust: the Founder’s dream; the pedagogy of God.
  • 4 April 2012: some of the “abundant riches”; “The Pact.”


  • 20 August: outline for an hour of adoration on the theme, The Hand of God Is Upon Me. Study aids on the theme (The Years of Preparation), to be published on the alberione.org website (power point program, reflection outlines, etc.).
  • 26 November: outline for an hour of adoration; suggestions for the Eucharistic Celebration; study aids that develop the theme (the “night of light”; renewal of the original thrust: the Foun-der’s dream; the pedagogy of God), all of which will be published on the website.

4 April 2012: outline for an hour of adoration; study aids on the theme (“The Pact”).

Agenda Paolina

3 juillet 2024

Festa di S. Tommaso, apostolo (rosso)
Ef 2,19-22; Sal 116; Gv 20,24-29

3 juillet 2024

* PD: 1964 Casa DM a Caracas (Venezuela) - 1974 Casa DM Santhome Cathedral a Chennai (India) - 1977 a Nellore (India).

3 juillet 2024SSP: D. Mario Ianuale (1974) • FSP: Sr. M. Rosaria Avellaneda (1952) - Sr. Yvonne Briffa (2000) - Sr. Rosangela Rantucci (2011) - Sr. M. Angela Cois (2016) • PD: Sr. M. Igina Giuliano (1988) - Sr. M. Leontina Fiorani (2004) • IMSA: Maria Astudillo (2007) • ISF: José Mauro Espinosa (2013).

Pensiero del Fondatore

3 août 2024

Santificazione interiore significa credere alle verità rivelate, usare santamente della ragione, della mente, pensare in conformità al Vangelo e sempre avere in mente pensieri di fede, pensieri retti, pensieri secondo Dio (APD56, 562).

3 juillet 2024

La tierra es toda una preparación para el cielo. Una preparación de la mente, con la fe viva; una preparación de corazón, con la caridad; una preparación de la voluntad, con la esperanza y también una preparación del cuerpo (APD56, 410).

3 juillet 2024

The earth is all a preparation for heaven. A preparation of the mind, with living faith; a preparation of the heart, with charity; a preparation of the will, with hope and also a preparation of the body (APD56, 410).


  • Seminari

    Alberione convegno
    Seminario sul Carisma Paolino Incontro PVF  
    Seminario Internazionale su San Paolo


  • Programmi per l'Anno

      Centenario LogoCentenario LogoschedeAnno Paolino 100 ordinazione sacerdote Alberione 
  • Varie

    Papal Audience



  • Capitoli - Intercapitoli

     Capitolo Generale 2010 
     Intercapitolo 2013 Intercapitolo Messico 2007 
  • Incontri

    Superiori Maggiori 2011
    Incontro Internazionale VSC