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The election of the General Council completed


Fr. Jose Pottayil, born in Kadalikad (Kerala-India) on 7-3-1952, made his first profession in 1972 and he was ordained priest in 1978. He worked in the field of formation and was a community superior. He assumed office of Provincial Superior of the India-Nigeria Province from 1990-1998, when he was elected General Councilor. He was the Coordinator of the Central Commission for the Beatification of Don Alberione and of the Alberione Year. He is now the Vicar General of the Congregation.

Fr. Juan Manuel Galaviz Herrera, born in Aguascalientes (Mexico) on 9-5-1941, made his first profession in 1960 and he was ordained priest in 1965. He was a Director of the Familia Cristiana, local superior and, for two mandates, the Provincial Superior of Mexico. In 1998 he was elected General Councilor and, as such, he paid a special attention to the formation sector, the Institutes of Consecrated Secular Life aggregated to the Society of St. Paul and the Association of Pauline Cooperators.

Bro. Francesco Chessa, born in Sedilo (Oristano-Italia) on 31-10-1945, made his first profession in 1964 and the perpetual profession in 1969. He had specialized studies in industrial graphics in Milan. From 1977 to 1998 he was the director of production of the Edizioni San Paolo Libri in Italy. From 1990 to 1998 he was a Provincial Councilor. From 1998, as General Councilor, he assisted the circumscriptions in the analysis of their accounting. He, as well was, responsible of the production and distribution of the various aids for the occasion of the Beatification of the Founder.

Bro. Walter Ernesto Rodríguez, born in Villa de Maria del Rio Seco, Córdoba (Argentina) on 24-11-1966, made his first profession in 1988 and the perpetual profession in 1996. He took his studies in Philosophy and Theology in Argentina and then at the SPICS. In Peru, he worked in the diffusion and was responsible of the bookstores. Currently, he is the Provincial Superior’s Delegate for the community in Lima, in-charge of the periodicals and of the SOBICAIN, for which he directed the bible correspondence school and home courses.

Bro. Tokuda Takahito, born in Kagoshima (Japan) on 20-4-1960, made his first profession in 1981 and the perpetual profession in 1988. He is a graduate of Keio University in English literature with a study on Graham Greene. He is the master of the aspirants, director of sales and of the bookstore in Fukuoka, a city south of Japan. From the year 1999 to 2000, he was in Sydney to further develop his English.

Fr. Juan Antonio Carrera Páramo, born in Arenillas De Rio Pisuerga (Burgos-Spain) on 31-1-1956, he made his first profession in 1976 and was ordained priest in 1982. Almost always dedicated to the editorial sector, he was the directorn of Ediciones San Pablo in Spain until 2000. From 1996 to 2000, he was as well a Councilor and the Provincial Secretary of the Spain Province. From February 2002, he has been the Administrator Delegate of the CIDEP, whose office is located in São Paulo (Brazil).


The Secretary of Information
Bro. Lorenzo Vezzani

Ariccia (Rome), 12 May 2004, at 3:00 p.m.



©  Casa Generalizia ssp – Via della Fanella 39 – 00148 Roma - Italy
Updated 12/05/04 -   [email protected]