Tue, Apr

Author of numerous books about the New Testament, including several important commentaries on various epistles of Paul. Among these commentaries are Romans (Word Biblical Commentary, 2 vols.), Galatians (Black's New Testament Commentaries), and Colossians and Philemon (New International Greek Testament Commentary).

Dunn is associated with the New Perspective on Paul - having coined the term in 1983. It has been stated, as a popular quote about Dunn, "Anyone who is interested in the rigorous study of early Christianity and who has not engaged with the works of James D. G. Dunn is not really interested in the rigorous study of early Christianity”.

» Principali temi della teologia paolina 

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Agenda Paolina

April 30, 2024

Feria (bianco)
S. Pio V, papa
At 14,19-28; Sal 144; Gv 14,27-31a

April 30, 2024

* SSP: 1947 arrivo in Colombia • FSP: 1967 a Concepción (Cile) • SJBP: 1974 a New Manila - Quezon City (Filippine).

April 30, 2024SSP: Fr. Masahiro Tsuruda (2019) - D. Peter Adalbert Scholz (2021) • FSP: Sr. M. Tecla Cutrini (1960) - Sr. M. Salvina Pipus (2008) - Sr. M. Loreta Scano (2020) - Sr. Doris Rodrigues (2022) • PD: Sr. M. Andreina Lobina (2022) • IGS: D. Ugo Antonucci (1991) - D. Giovanni Marceddu (2020) • ISF: Maria Viviani (2012).