Dom., Jun.

35 members of the Holy Family Institute gathered at the National Shrine and Basilica of Our Lady of Lebanon in North Jackson, Ohio, USA, for its annual weekend Triduum, (Sep 16-18). About 20 members also attended virtually.

Fr. Michael Harrington and Fr. Edward Riley from the Institute of Jesus Priest were the speakers with the theme: Mission and Identity. While focusing on the many roads of our spiritual life – Paul’s Road to Damascus, Jesus Road to Jerusalem, Disciples on the Road to Emmaus, and Jesus Knocking at our Door – the members were challenged to immerse themselves into their commitment to evangelize the world.

The weekend also had members enter novitiate and renew both their consecrated vows as well as their marriage vows. Sisters from the Daughters of St. Paul and Pious Disciples of the Divine Master were also in attendance.

Agenda Paulina

02 junho 2024

Solennità del SS. Corpo e Sangue di Cristo (bianco)
Es 24,3-8; Sal 115; Eb 9,11-15; Mc 14,12-16.22-26

02 junho 2024

* FSP: 1991 ad Ahmedabad (India) • SJBP: 1983 Casa Prov. a S. Paulo, Alto da Lapa (Brasile).

02 junho 2024SSP: D. Basilio Enrici (1955) - D. Fedele Pasquero (2001) • FSP: Sr. Luciana Negro (1972) - Sr. M. Carmine Lancellotti (1976) - Sr. Giovannina Boffa (2004) - Sr. M. Adelaide Carandina (2011) - Sr. Catarina Boff (2018) - Sr. M. Alice Gregolini (2022) • PD: Sr. M. Eufrosina Luzzi (1945) - Sr. M. Assunta Asolan (1999) • SJBP: Sr. Gemma Nazzari (2002) • IGS: D. Pasquale M. Di Filippo (1995) - D. Alfonso Tisi (2005).