Seg., Jun.

Father Robert Hospodar was born on December 3, 1952 in the city of Hazleton, Pennsylvania. He completed his high school program at Michael Power Catholic School in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. It was there, as a student of the Basilian Fathers, that he became interested in the priestly life. After graduating from high school, he attended college at Saint Peter Seminary, London, Ontario, Canada, and completed theological studies at Saints Cyril and Methodius Seminary, Pittsburgh, USA. He was ordained as a priest on May 14, 1978. Following a year of pastora! work, he entered graduate studies in canon law at The Catholic University of America, Washington, D.C., from 1979-1982. In addition to parish and chancery assignments 1982-2018, Father Robert taught Sacred Scripture in the Spiritual Development Program of the Archdiocese of New York, 1991-1998. In July 2018, Father Robert accepted the invitation of Cardinal Dolan to serve as the Promoter of Justice for the Archdiocese of New York. Father Robert is now a member of Jesus Priest Institute of the Pauline Family.

Agenda Paulina

03 junho 2024

Memoria dei Ss. Carlo Lwanga e compagni, martiri (bianco)
2Pt 1,2-7; Sal 90; Mc 12,1-12

03 junho 2024

* PD: 1947 arrivo in Portogallo - 1981 ad Albano Laziale (Italia) - 2001 Casa PR a Tokyo (Giappone).

03 junho 2024SSP: Fr. Eusebio Navarro (2012) - D. Sebastian Karamvelil (2012) - D. Ignazio Cau (2023) • FSP: Sr. Valeria Onesi (1944) - Sr. Alfonsina Coraglia (1986) - Sr. M. Leonia Molteni (2008) - Sr. M. Rosalba Barbieri (2009) - Sr. M. Adeodata Noguchi (2011) • PD: Sr. M. Celina Sena (2016) • IMSA: Luciana Sonnu (2023) • ISF: Giuseppe Marzella (2017) - Raymond Brasseaux (2017).